KATE LUNDBERG, Assistant Director at Called to Care presenting to GBYouth.

KATE LUNDBERG, Assistant Director of Called to Care

KATE LUNDBERG, Assistant Director of Called to Care


GBYouth enjoyed a special Mission’s Night at this week’s Common Ground. Kate Lundberg, Assistant Director of Called to Care (C2C), spoke to our students about her agency’s services for vulnerable children in the greater south Georgia area. Based out of Tifton, Georgia, C2C supports the needs of both children and caregivers in foster care systems. They provide a variety of comfort assets like pajamas, hygiene products, Bibles, toys, teddybears in journey bags for these difficult transitions. Called to Care also serves to raise foster care and adoption awareness, while also providing specialized trauma education for those involved.

AMY HAYNES presenting donations to Called to Care

GBYouth leader AMY HAYNES presenting sleepwear donations to Called to Care.

Our donation.
Amy Haynes presented Kate with over two hundred articles of sleepwear for Called to Care. Amy has been instrumental in spearheading this mission, forming our relationship with the C2C organization and leading the various collection and sorting efforts.

The Called to Care mission naturally aligns with our own. GBYouth endeavors to support healthy, thriving families.

We look forward to the great opportunities ahead in our new partnership with C2C.

$1025 were raised for Called to Care

GBYouth raised over $1000, providing more than two hundred articles of sleepwear, underwear and socks for Called to Care. The clothing was lovingly sized, sorted and bundled by GBYouth adult and student volunteers.


PAIGE PARKER, HALLIE KATE BERRY, SYDNEY DAMPIER and SARA PARKER sorting donated sleepwear for Called to Care.

Called to Care has been such a blessing to my foster home. This awesome group of folks sure make things easier for DFCS and caregivers. Children aren’t forced to enter foster care with nothing. They provide “journey bags” with necessary toiletries, clothing, shoes, and a blanket. I have even had my bonus babies show up with toys, a stuffed animal and coloring books...
— FOSTER PARENT, iamcalledtocare.com

Want to learn more?

Visit https://iamcalledtocare.com to learn more about how you can support fostering families and kids.


GBYOUTH is on mission, aligning our hands with the hands of Christ.